README.TXT Contents: 1.Prerequisites 2.Configuration file 3.Command line 4.Importing mutagenesis database 1. Prerequisites: Local or remote Oracle Database Server 8i or higher JRE 1.4.2 or higher 2. Configuration: The configuration file "config.ini" consists of two sections: ATTRIBUTE_TYPE: forces the attribute type syntax: typevalue=1 means continuos typevalue=2 means discrete typevalue=3 means ignore IGNORED_ATTRIBUTES: specifies the list of ignored attributes: syntax:
This section can be used to specify the experimental setting. 3. Command line Running MR-SBC usage: java -cp murena.jar it.uniba.di.mrdm2003server.classification.MainClassification [parameters] Parameters: -t -pw -T -PW -d -p -S -tT -tA -n -task Default: training_testing Running Mr-SMOTI usage: java -cp murena.jar it.uniba.di.mrdm2003server.regression.MainRegression [parameters] Parameters: -t -pw -T -PW -d -p -S -tT -tA -n -task Default: training_testing Examples are reported in the files "" (UNIX-LINUX) or "runExample.bat" (MS Windows) 4.Importing Mutagenesis Database step1: create tablespace “MRDM” (with autoextend option - to be specified in datafiles properties) step2: create users mutrain2, mutrain3, ... , mutrain11 all users should have MRDM as default tablespace and temp as temporary tablespace. step3: create users mutest2, mutest3, ... , mutest11 all users should have MRDM as default tablespace and temp as temporary tablespace. step4: import the schemas >imp system/password@service_name -specify the “mutagenesis 10 foldCV.DMP” file -choose import users option and specify all the users