Contents (in italian) - Academic Year 2008/2009

Contents (in italian) - Academic Year 2009/2010

Contents (in italian) - Academic Year 2010/2011

Contents (in italian) - Academic Year 2011/2012

Notices to the students

Gli studenti che hanno sostenuto la prova di laboratorio del 18-01-2016 possono ripetere la prova del 8-2-2016. In tal caso il voto finale sarà determinato come il massimo dei voti conseguito nelle due prove.

Olimpiadi dell'informatica

Lecture notes: Academic Year 2014-15

Software quality and cycle (Addendum: 1)
Programming paradigms (Addenda: 1, 2)
Abstraction in program design (Addenda: 1, 2)
Specifications of fundamental abstract data
Abstraction in computer programming (Addenda: 1, 2, 3, see also D.A. Watt: Programming Language Concepts and Paradigms, chapters 5-6, Prentice Hall, 1990 Available in the library)
Object-oriented paradigm (Addenda: 1, 2, 3)
Object-oriented programming in Java
Computational complexity of algorithms
Computational complexity of fundamental algorithms
Computational complexity of problems

Lab activities: Academic Year 2014-15

Activity 1 (Introduction to Eclipse Kepler - Bubble sort)
Slides,OrdinaArray, Random class, System.arraycopy, Arrays.copy
Activity 2 (Selection sort - Insertion sort)
Activity 3 (Shell sort - Quick sort)
Slides, quicksort.example
Activity 4 (Merge sort - Searching in an array)
Activity 5 (Searching and sorting an array of objects)
Activity 6 (Dictionary: simple implementation with arrays)
Slides, Keyboard Utility
Activity 7 (Dictionary: halving/doubling arrays, linked data structures)
Slides, ArrayDoubling, Linked list, Lab test 02/02/2009 and solution
Activity 8 (Dictionary: hash tables)
Slides, Hash Interface, Hash implementation, hashCode(), Scan Interface, Open Hash Table, Enhanced Open Hash Table, Hash Table with Collision Lists
Activity 9 (Stacks and Queues)
Slides, Stack Interface, Array-based implementation of a stack, Empty Structure Exception, Polish notation, Exception invalid Polish notation, Test class for Polish notation, Lab test 19/01/2009 and solution, Lab test 20/07/2009 and solution, Queue interface, Implementation of a queue with a linked data structure, Algorithm for the transformation of infix notation into postfix notation Lab test 21/09/2009
Activity 10 (Lists)
Slides, Sources, ArrayList, LinkedList Lab test 16/02/2009 and solution, Lab test 15/06/2009 and solution
Activity 11 (Trees)
Slides, Sources Lab test 02/09/2010 and solution, Lab test 09/07/2009
Activity 13 (Graphs)
Slides, Sources Lab test 22/02/2010 and solution


Prova di laboratorioProva scritta
19/01/2009 Soluzione 22/01/2009
02/02/2009 Soluzione 05/02/2009
16/02/2009 Soluzione 19/02/2009
15/06/2009 Soluzione 11/06/2009
20/07/2009 Soluzione 16/07/2009
07/09/2009 03/09/2009
21/09/2009 24/09/2009
19/11/2009 18/11/2009
11/01/2010 Soluzione 14/01/2010 e Soluzione
25/01/2010 Soluzione 28/01/2010
22/02/2010 Soluzione 25/01/2010
07/04/2010 31/03/2010
08/06/2010 Soluzione 10/06/2010
12/07/2010 08/07/2010
02/09/2010 Soluzione 02/09/2010
16/09/2010 Soluzione 16/09/2010
17/11/2010 Soluzione 17/11/2010
18/01/2011 20/01/2011
01/02/2011 03/02/2011
15/02/2011 Soluzione 17/02/2011
15/04/2011 11/04/2011
14/06/2011 16/06/2011
12/07/2011 14/07/2011
15/09/2011 01/09/2011
20/09/2011 22/09/2011
15/11/2011 17/11/2011
17/01/2012 19/01/2012
10/02/2012 09/02/2012
21/02/2012 23/02/2012
03/04/2012 12/04/2012
05/07/2012 05/07/2012
07/09/2012 07/09/2012
20/09/2012 20/09/2012
22/11/2012 22/11/2012
Prova in itinere 22/11/2012
17/01/2013 17/01/2013
05/02/2013 05/02/2013
21/02/2013 21/02/2013
26/03/2013 26/03/2013
27/06/2013 27/06/2013
03-09-2013 03/09/2013
17-09-2013 17-09-2013
21-11-2013 21-11-2013
Prova in itinere 21-11-2013 Risultati parziali Prova in itinere 16-01-2014 Risultati
16-01-2014 16-01-2014
30-01-2014 30-01-2014
20-02-2014 20-02-2014
15-04-2014 15-04-2014
02-07-2014 02-07-2014
04-09-2014 04-09-2014
23-09-2014 23-09-2014
20-11-2014 20-11-2014
Esonero 20-11-2014 Risultati
Esonero 13-01-2015 Risultati
13-01-2015 13-01-2015
03-02-2015 03-02-2015
24-02-2015 24-02-2015
31-03-2015 31-03-2015
02-07-2015 02-07-2015
03-09-2015 Risultati 03-09-2015 Risultati
21-09-2015 Risultati 21-09-2015 Risultati
19-11-2015 Risultati 19-11-2015 Risultati
18-01-2016 Risultati 18-01-2016 Risultati

The zipped jar file includes java source files of a possible solution.
If you don't know how to generate a jar file have a look at: How to export the jar file in Eclipse

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