A quick User Guide of ATRE

A quick User Guide of ATRE

1. Installing ATRE

2.The Graphical User Interface of ATRE

3. Training the learning system

4. Testing the learning system

1. Installing ATRE

ATRE learning system is only developed for Windows platforms and is composed by two main components: the ATRE learning engine (developed in Sicstus-Prolog 3.8.6) and the ATRE Graphical User Interface (developed in Visual C++ 6.0). As a consequence, you can only download the ATRE learning engine or you can download the entire system (including both the components).

Downloading the ATRE learning engine (without GUI), you need to unzip the package distribution file into a directory and run the ATRE.EXE file as specified below:
  • atre learn <filedat> to perform a learning task with ATRE using the training data file <filedat>
  • atre recognum <filedat> <filerul> to test the logical theory in <filerul> file using the testing data file <filedat>

    If you download the entire system, you need to unzip the package distribution file into a temporary directory that will contain the installation package. Then, you have to run the SETUP.EXE to install the software. Further details on GUI usage are presented in the next section.


    2. The Graphical User Interface of ATRE

    2.1 The Load data Menu

    This menu allows to select the input file for ATRE.
    When you select the Load data menu you will be presented with the Open dialog. Double-click on the chosen directory in order to view its content in the Files box. Select the desired file and click on the OK button or press the <enter> key in order to load it
    The Load training data command allows to select the input file to train the system. The Load test data command allows to select the input file to run the recognizer. The Load rule data command allows to select the input rule file for the recognizer.

    2.2 The Learn process Menu

    The menu manages ATRE's training process.
    The View training data command shows the input file to train the system. The View rules command shows the rule file produced by ATRE for the current process of training. The View learn report command shows the output file produced by ATRE for the current process of training.
    The Learn parameters command allows to set the learning parameters for training process like verbosity,general,best lef and ps lef. The Verbosity parameter defines which informations save in the report file, like objects, examples, clause selection, generated clauses and clause consistent and range-restricted. The General parameter allows to set the maximum number of clauses to specialize in a single specialization step (MaxStar), the least number of consistent clauses to generate before to select the best (Consistent), the maximum number of literals for the specialization of a clause (MaxPs) and the check-box Recursion that enable the search for recursive definitions. The Best lef and the Ps lef parameters allow to define the preference criterions, the first for the selection of the final rule and the second for the specialization phase.
    The Start learning command starts the training process for ATRE.

    2.3 The Recognition process Menu

    The menu manages ATRE's recognition process.
    The View test data command shows the input file to test the system. The View rules command shows the rule file used for input in the recognition process. The View recognition report command shows the output file produced by ATRE for the current process of testing.
    The Start testing command starts the recognition process for ATRE.


    3. Training the learning system

    A session of training with ATRE could be illustrated as: 
    1. Choose the input file (*.dat) to be trained;
    2. Start learning process clicking on the Start learning command.
    The system produce the output file (*.out) with the description of every steps of theory's generation and the output rule file (*.rul) that describes the generated theory. The output files are called the same as the input file. 


    4. Testing the learning system

    A session of testing with ATRE could be illustrated as: 
    1. Choose the input file (*.dat) to be tested;
    2. Choose the rule file (*.rul) to use as input to the recognizer;
    3. Start recognition process clicking on the Start testing command.
    The system produce the output file (*.rec) with the list of commission and omission errors for every object and for every rule. The report file is called the same as the input files. 


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