WebClass 1.0


WebClass 1.0
An Intermediary for the Classification of HTML Pages

developed by


LACAM Dipartimento di Informatica
Università degli Studi di Bari
via Orabona, 4
70126 Bari


WebClass is a prototypical workbench written in Java for experimenting the application of Statistical and Case-Based Reasoning methods to automatic Web page classification.

System Requirements

Platform : Java2 (or higher) enabled platform. Since WebClassIII interfaces a MsAccess database, we recommend to install it on a Windows machine in order to run the system on one machine.
Java development tool: JSDK 1.2.*
WebClass interfaces a MsAccess database by means of JDBC.

Installation Procedure & Testing

The distribution package WebClass1.0 contains the following files:

the leggimi.txt file (readme.txt).
the .bat file (to run the application)
the .class files (WebClass1.0)
the .java files (WebClass1.0 source code)

Installation procedure:

o      Unzip the file WebClass10 con codice.zip into the application folder.

o      Modify the CLASSPATH environment variable adding the “..../uniba” folder

o      Create an ODBC connection to the database.(WebClassDabaBase.mdb)
The name of the ODBC connection must be: “Web”.
(Control Panel/administrative tools/ODBC)

o      Run WebClass1.0 double-clicking on the esegui.bat file.
login: Luigi
        password: Admin


None yet available. Send all requests/comments to: Donato Malerba

Last modified 01/10/2004