// THE LIST OF ALLOWED PARAMETERS // root folder root = C:/transferLearning/scalability/biosfer/ // source domain paths sourceDomainPositiveDataset = data/mouse/pos.txt sourceDomainUnlabeledDataset = data/mouse/unlab.txt // target domain paths targetDomainPositiveDataset = data/human/pos_fold1.txt targetDomainUnlabeledDataset = data/human/unlab.txt // test set path testSetDataset = data/human/test_fold1.txt // gold standard path goldStandardPath = data/gold_standard/fold1.txt // experiment result folder experimentName = BioSfer_3s2t_fold1/ // insert the number of clusters AsBt format where A > 0 and B > 0. "s" stands for "source", "t" for "target" clusters = 3s2t // KMeans max iterations numIterations = 100 // if true it executes crisp labelling otherwise it performs instance weighted learning executeLabelling = false // if 'executeLabelling' is true, this is the positive/negative ranking threshold labellingThreshold = 0.5 // write all steps or just minimal minimalVerbosity = false // top k% of the recall@k measure for the IV stage training topK = 1 // Spark master node ip. master = local[*] // Spark driverMaxResultSize. Default: 1g driverMaxResultSize = 3G