

Examples about the annotation strategy of aspect terms

Examples of aspect terms annotation

Examples of correctly annotated ASPECT TERMS:

  • Aspect terms are namesnominal syntagmas or adjectives that identify: an attribute of the object (a); a tangible or abstract part of the product for which a judgment is explicitly made, clearly inferable from the sentence in which it is spoken about or from the knowledge of the application domain (b); a functionality, ability or suitability of the product for a specific category of people (c).


      “L'aspetto del ventilatore è piuttosto economico

      “la piantana è molto resistente”

      prodotto buono e resistente

      “E’ leggero e la batteria dura molto”


Judgment can be assigned in three ways:

1. in a direct way: the aspect term occurs with an opinion term

      “la durata della batteria è ottima”

2. Indirectly: the judgment about the product is transitive to a quality or part of the object. In other words, if an opinion is expressed about the object itself, and it is then stated for which characteristic the judgment is applied, these characteristics are annotated as an aspect term.

      questo telefono è ottimo, soprattutto per la durata della batteria”: In this case, "durata della batteria" should be labeled as aspect term, as it inherits the judgment from "telefono".

3. Deductible: the opinion is not expressed directly but it is inferable from the review or from the knowledge of the reference domain



·      Aspect terms with unclear opinion will be annotated as neutral:

”Buona scarpiera , molto pratica e con i ripiani in tessuto lavabile.”


  • Verbal syntaxes can be labeled as aspect terms. All cases such as the following are included by the annotators

      scalda troppo”

      rinfresca bene”,

      mantiene la temperatura

      produce rumore

      “facile da montare”

      “semplice da configurare

      capace di trasferire i dati in modo veloce”



  • In the case of aspect therm composed of several words, all the words that compose the aspect term must be contiguous.

       “Il prodotto ha una buona capacità di resistere alle cadute



  • In some cases, adverbs may also be labeled as aspect terms, if an opinion is associated with them in the review.

      “Molto carino esteticamente



·      An aspect term is also annotated when a relative opinion than absolute judgment is assigned.

       “meglio il libro del film”, inteso come “questo libro è migliore del film”



  • In case there are several aspect terms joined by conjunctions, these should be labeled as separate.

      “belli i colori ed i disegni

      “belle le luci e le canzoncine



  • In case of complex nominal syntagmas, the longest syntagma is annotated:

      “Il ventilatore è dotato di un ottimo timer per l’autospegnimento

      “Molto buona la durata della batteria

      edizione con copertina rigida molto curata”



  • The presence or absence of components, quality or functionality should be considered as an aspect term. These can be positive (e.g. presence of accessories), or negative (e.g. absence of defects).

      “Non fa rumore” (positive)

      “E’ molto leggero” (positive)

o   “Il cellulare è completo di cavo, caricatore, pinzetta, miniistruzioni.”

o   “È dotato di diffusore e due beccucci.”

o   “La videocamera è capace di fare video in 4K.”


If an explicit opinion is given on a component mentioned in a product capacity, only the specific component is annotated as an aspect term:

o   “Il phon è dotato di cavo molto lungo così da lasciare ampia libertà  nei movimenti.”

o   “È dotati di molti accessori abbastanza utili.”






Examples of wrong annotated ASPECT TERMS:


·       In the case of aspect terms composed of several words, all the words that make up the aspect term must be contiguous. In case they are separated by one or more words that are not part of the aspect term, the whole expression must be discarded. An example: 

o   “Il prodotto sembra resistere bene alle cadute”: the aspect term is apparently "resistant to falls", but being separated by "good" it must be discarded.



·       Aspects from other products mentioned in the review but not associated with the product actually reviewed should not be labelled.

o   “La prima scarpiera che ho comprato mi era piaciuta un sacco, ma il color crema si sporcava subito..”: "shoe rack" and "cream-coloured" are not considered aspect terms because they do not refer to the product reviewed, but to one previously purchased.


·       The aspect terms cannot represent objects larger than the reviewed productFor example:

o   “Harry Potter è una delle migliori serie di libri che io abbia mai letto”: in this sentence should not be labelled "Harry Potter" or "series", as they are opinions related to a series of books, and not to the specific volume reviewed.

o   Sono sempre soddisfatto dei prodotti Apple per via del loro stile”: in this case "Apple products" and "style" should not be labelled, as they represent a judgement towards a category of products to which the reviewed product belongs.