SWAP - Semantic Web Access and Personalization Research Group

Corsi.TeachingMusto History

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February 25, 2019, at 09:26 AM EST by -
Added lines 7-10:

'''A.A. 2018-2019'''
*[[Corsi.LABINF1819|Laboratorio di Informatica (CdL Informatica e Tecn. per la Prod. del Software - BARI)]]
September 11, 2017, at 06:36 AM EST by -
Added lines 7-10:

'''A.A. 2017-2018'''
*[[Corsi.LABINF1718|Laboratorio di Informatica (CdL Informatica e Tecn. per la Prod. del Software - BARI)]]
March 07, 2017, at 03:58 PM EST by -
Added lines 1-10:
[++'''Teaching (in Italian)'''++]

'''Ricevimento studenti: Giovedì ore 15-17'''


'''A.A. 2016-2017'''
*[[Corsi.LABINF1617|Laboratorio di Informatica (CdL Informatica e Tecn. per la Prod. del Software - BARI)]]