Submission guidelines

Authors are invited to submit original research contributions or experience reports in English. We encourage submission of works presenting early stages of cutting-edge research and development. Submitted papers must be unpublished and substantially different from papers under review.

The maximum length of papers is 12 pages. Papers should be sent electronically (postscript or pdf) not later than July 25th, 2005 to
Subject: MSTD-2005 submission

Papers will be selected on the basis of review of full paper contributions. Authors should make certain that the data mining techniques they describe deal with the special issues that are associated with spatio-temporal data.

Notification of acceptance will be given by August 15th, 2005. Final camera-ready copies of accepted papers must be sent by September 5th, 2005.

Accepted papers will be published in the working notes provided by ECML/PKDD-2005 and will be available from the website. The ECML/PKDD organizers also intend to prepare a CD containing all the workshop proceedings. Hence, electronic submissions to the workshop are essential so that this may be carried out.